Avoiding Blinding Optimism is a key Happiness Habit.
Text of the latest 11 Tips on How To Use The Secret circulating on the Internet is below. Google it if you want to see it with beautiful backgrounds.
Positive Psychology puts people in peril when it prompts them to ignore key warning signs and danger signals.
Denying Reality Is NOT The Best Way To Deal With Reality Effectively
You decide if this makes sense. It helps explain why we we feel The Secret's teachings are incorrect, dangerous and serious suppressors of happiness.
11 simple tips to help use the Secret...
- Don't Worry - Most things have been manipulated into being real. Its just energy
- Be yourself - Get great things from originality. Got originality?
- Be grateful - For the World -For the People
- Be Creative
- Visualize - Visualize what you want to experience in your life.
- Remember this - You can't have anything you want - You will only be experiencing the wanting -If you want something Visualize You Have It Now - Learn To Dream Higher - There's Nothing You Can't Be where people have Been before
- Use Your Love – I love you
- Give – Give and you will get back
- Smile
- Look into People's Eyes – Eyes Are The Windows of The Soul
- Touch... Remember Everything in the Universe Is Energy - We are all connected - Don't let any negative thought get into your mind... Replace it with the most positive thought you can think of... (Bolding is ours) Enjoy Your Life In Your Human Form
A Great Deal of Money Is Made from Misery, Misinformation and Manipulation!
Copyright 1999- , Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. See HappinessHabit.com and Creating-Happiness.com for more Happiness Habits. Link to our pages - our materials may NOT be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without written permission from the authors.